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Interview met Tony Andrews in Groove Magazine

Het Duitse tijdschrift Groove sprak met Tony Andrews bij Funktion-One op locatie bij “the farm” en zijn visie:

“When it feels like you’re being enveloped by a cloud of sound, when you have the feeling that the sound hits you from very closed and all the frequencies arrive simultaneously. Then you are dealing with a good sound system. People often speak of the sound of a loudspeaker, but I say: Sound doesn’t exist, there’s only the truth. While building boxes you try to eliminate distortions and falsifications. If you are able to achieve it you’re left with only the truth.”

Aan het einde van het artikel is een special feature over Shelter Amsterdam en een interview met Bróna Lynch:

“THINK AV (the Dutch Funktion-One supplier) was the one who really understood and embraced the directive. There was a meeting of minds you could say. They were extremely open about the project and an absolute pleasure to work with.”

Lees hier het volledige interview:


Foto: Shelter van Timo Steenvoorden

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